View Profile TurtleKirby101
I'm a normal person who likes turtles and Kirby. I'll add more stuff here whenever I want to say something new.

Age 27, Male

envelope licker

£££(where they come from)

Joined on 3/28/09

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890 / 900
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5.17 votes
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Profile guide #7 yipee! I spelled it right this time thanks to uzzan's correction in the last post!

Posted by TurtleKirby101 - August 21st, 2009

Right, this is the seventh version of my profile guide because I made a new post I had to make a new guide so here you go.

Right, this is a list of all the crap going on here =P

</div>more stuff
Description:more stuff and news about more stuff and news. It sounds boring but trust me, it isn't. Just comment.
Description: Please fill out my survey here. Plus other random stuff.

-3.Randum eru mesige genuratu
Description: link to this error message generator plus other pointless stuff

-2.My games list
Description: A list of all my video games, although NG messed up the alignment so I'll just scan the peice of paper I originally put them down on.

-1.Phailed minigame post
Description: My attempt at posting a minigame in my post. Learn your lesson from the first commenter and don't insult me on my own userpage.

0.Subscribe to this guy
Description: This guy is the best ever plz subscribe

1.News spreading & code game rules
Description: A post were I spread the latest news and stuff. \If you want some news spread, ask here! Oh and there's the rules for the code game here as well.

2.Blam/protection point geussing comp
Description: Take part in a comp were you geuss how long it will take me to get from 300-400 Blam/save points.

3.Profile hits ideas
Description: Suggest ways of getting more hits to my profile. Don't really need this anymore, I've figured out all your weak spots Mwa hahahahahahaha **cough, cough, violent cough, falls to floor clutching throat**

4.Competition results
Description: View both the latest and oldest results from the Blam/protection point comp.

5.Comment for no reason post
Description: Just comment here for the sake of it =P

6. Share this stuff to get stuff =P
Description: Share this link to earn... um... stuff...

7.Flash ideas
Descriiption: Suggest ideas for flash. Pretty difficult since You don't know what it is.

8.Previous Comp
Description: View who's entered the previous blam/protection point comps. DO NOT post for the latest comp here. Just view the rules.

9.Forum war thingy
Description: Links to the forum war. Since the forum war is off, this is pretty pointless.

10.Stupid old stuff
Description: Old news. I really should delete some of this crap

11.Cool video
Description: Cool vid of a no handed wheelie.

12.More old crap
Description: I really should delete some of this, shouldn't I?

13.Why you should get an account
Description: Why you should get a NG account. This is for non users looking into getting an account.

14.Post your tongu twisters here
Description: Speaks for itself, really.

15.NG lied to us!
Description: How NG lied to us about the china thing.

16.MORE old crap!
Description: News about when I went on holiday.

17.Spam this post
Description: Spam to your heart's content here.

18.My hello post
Description: Me saying hello.

Awesome. Enjoy =P

P.s. Trying to embed crap into my post. Here goes...

<img alt="Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic" src="http://www.flashasylum.com/db/fil es/Movies/nobrainerPic.jpg" width=275 height=200 border=0><br />Cyanide & Happiness @ Explosm.net

By the way guys, I found a really cool video of this game<div class="blogmedia">
<!-- Video embed code - don't edit this, or it will break and you'll have this ugly stuff in your blog post! -->
<div id="embed_83781">.</div>
<script type="text/javascript">/* <![CDATA[ */ $('embed_83781').update(new FlashWriter('http://www.youtube.com/v/
8cV_xsNbk1Y&hl=en&fs=1&color1=0xe1600f &color2=0xfebd01&border=1
', 464, 369).ToString()); /* ]]> */ </script>


that's on dish: p

Profile guide #7 yipee! I spelled it right this time thanks to uzzan's correction in the last post!


Why, this is a fine guide, sir.

why thank you

oh good
so you guys are friends

yup I geuss

quite a dandy banner yah gots there kirby






hie there

sweet wheelie


that wasn't me though

mine aren't as good as that

hello turtlekirby101 havent been on for a while (aprettylongwhile) so i decided to comment on this postz0rz :P anyways hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi

hie uzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzan