Well SMBS sez it's time for a fresh post. I agree. Sooo...
A few videos to get us warmed up...
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Ok. Now we're ready for some action! BTW, I can hear from 60h to 18 kHz :)
Now... Action... Hmmm. Ummm. Uhh. Idk. Well, if anyone find some action they can post it here. In the meantime, post what you can hear up to on the hearing test. 18 is the benchmark.
RANDOM LINK TIME!!!!: http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/11 53840
I'd really like to thank these awesome ppl for signing up for this site just so I could get recruiting rewards
if anyone else wants to be on that list, sign up for this site by this link or this, then PM me on the site. My profile. If you do, I will get rewards, and you know you want your best friend (whoever you are) kirby to get rewards! DON'T YOU! So yeah, sign up here, then PM me here. I will also give you a cookie, plus 50 xp per day. Over and out!