ok, going on holiday today. Won't see you until 1st 2009 D':
well, geuss I'll see you guys then then.
Leave lots of nice comments!
I'm a normal person who likes turtles and Kirby. I'll add more stuff here whenever I want to say something new.
Age 27, Male
envelope licker
£££(where they come from)
Joined on 3/28/09
Posted by TurtleKirby101 - December 8th, 2009
ok, going on holiday today. Won't see you until 1st 2009 D':
well, geuss I'll see you guys then then.
Leave lots of nice comments!
Posted by TurtleKirby101 - October 14th, 2009
Right, this is the ninth version of my profile guide because I made a new post I had to make a new guide so here you go.
Right, this is a list of all the crap going on here =P
Xellon's new post
Description:My prediction of what xellon's post will look like when he updates it _____________________________________
-6.the sneaky comment show!
Description:My new gimmik. The post explains all.
-5.</div>more stuff
Description:more stuff and news about more stuff and news. It sounds boring but trust me, it isn't. Just comment.
Description: Please fill out my survey here. Plus other random stuff.
-3.Randum eru mesige genuratu
Description: link to this error message generator plus other pointless stuff
-2.My games list
Description: A list of all my video games, although NG messed up the alignment so I'll just scan the peice of paper I originally put them down on.
-1.Phailed minigame post
Description: My attempt at posting a minigame in my post. Learn your lesson from the first commenter and don't insult me on my own userpage.
0.Subscribe to this guy
Description: This guy is the best ever plz subscribe
1.News spreading & code game rules
Description: A post were I spread the latest news and stuff. \If you want some news spread, ask here! Oh and there's the rules for the code game here as well.
2.Blam/protection point geussing comp
Description: Take part in a comp were you geuss how long it will take me to get from 300-400 Blam/save points.
3.Profile hits ideas
Description: Suggest ways of getting more hits to my profile. Don't really need this anymore, I've figured out all your weak spots Mwa hahahahahahaha **cough, cough, violent cough, falls to floor clutching throat**
4.Competition results
Description: View both the latest and oldest results from the Blam/protection point comp.
5.Comment for no reason post
Description: Just comment here for the sake of it =P
6. Share this stuff to get stuff =P
Description: Share this link to earn... um... stuff...
7.Flash ideas
Descriiption: Suggest ideas for flash. Pretty difficult since You don't know what it is.
8.Previous Comp
Description: View who's entered the previous blam/protection point comps. DO NOT post for the latest comp here. Just view the rules.
9.Forum war thingy
Description: Links to the forum war. Since the forum war is off, this is pretty pointless.
10.Stupid old stuff
Description: Old news. I really should delete some of this crap
11.Cool video
Description: Cool vid of a no handed wheelie.
12.More old crap
Description: I really should delete some of this, shouldn't I?
13.Why you should get an account
Description: Why you should get a NG account. This is for non users looking into getting an account.
14.Post your tongu twisters here
Description: Speaks for itself, really.
15.NG lied to us!
Description: How NG lied to us about the china thing.
16.MORE old crap!
Description: News about when I went on holiday.
17.Spam this post
Description: Spam to your heart's content here.
18.My hello post
Description: Me saying hello.
Awesome. Enjoy =P
If this works, I'll be astonished.
<object width="700" height="500" bgcolor="#000000"><param name="movie" value="http://nonoba.com/arby/shock-ar ena/embed"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" ></param><param name="allowNetworking" value="all" ></param><embed src="http://nonoba.com/arby/shock-aren a/embed" allowNetworking="all" allowScriptAccess="always" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="700" height="500" bgcolor="#000000"></embed></object>
BTW, if any of you guys want to know how to be epic win at bloons tower defense 4, look at this pic:
Posted by TurtleKirby101 - October 14th, 2009
I predict that xellon's next post will look like this...
or my next trick
i will attempt to give you, the viewers, mind blowing videos (well, sort of) that will
definitely-sort of-kinda-gonna blow you freakin' socks off
the first video will be from battlestations pacific
It is some very good music from the game
/* */
now this second video will be your last
no i'm just kidding...
... or am i?..
/* */
you made it through?
holy crap
uhh uhhh
wait a sec
i'll just go get some more videos
for the mean time
let's go to crashes shall we
/* */
i also included songs that you can dance to while flapping your ding dongs silly
or you can just rock out with these
/* */
now these videos may be altered in the not so distant future
but for the mean time
happy flapping everyone
looky what i made with MSpaint
ain't it dandy? :3
Posted by TurtleKirby101 - September 21st, 2009
Right, this is the eightth version of my profile guide because I made a new post I had to make a new guide so here you go.
Right, this is a list of all the crap going on here =P
the sneaky comment show!
Description:My new gimmik. The post explains all.
-5.</div>more stuff
Description:more stuff and news about more stuff and news. It sounds boring but trust me, it isn't. Just comment.
Description: Please fill out my survey here. Plus other random stuff.
-3.Randum eru mesige genuratu
Description: link to this error message generator plus other pointless stuff
-2.My games list
Description: A list of all my video games, although NG messed up the alignment so I'll just scan the peice of paper I originally put them down on.
-1.Phailed minigame post
Description: My attempt at posting a minigame in my post. Learn your lesson from the first commenter and don't insult me on my own userpage.
0.Subscribe to this guy
Description: This guy is the best ever plz subscribe
1.News spreading & code game rules
Description: A post were I spread the latest news and stuff. \If you want some news spread, ask here! Oh and there's the rules for the code game here as well.
2.Blam/protection point geussing comp
Description: Take part in a comp were you geuss how long it will take me to get from 300-400 Blam/save points.
3.Profile hits ideas
Description: Suggest ways of getting more hits to my profile. Don't really need this anymore, I've figured out all your weak spots Mwa hahahahahahaha **cough, cough, violent cough, falls to floor clutching throat**
4.Competition results
Description: View both the latest and oldest results from the Blam/protection point comp.
5.Comment for no reason post
Description: Just comment here for the sake of it =P
6. Share this stuff to get stuff =P
Description: Share this link to earn... um... stuff...
7.Flash ideas
Descriiption: Suggest ideas for flash. Pretty difficult since You don't know what it is.
8.Previous Comp
Description: View who's entered the previous blam/protection point comps. DO NOT post for the latest comp here. Just view the rules.
9.Forum war thingy
Description: Links to the forum war. Since the forum war is off, this is pretty pointless.
10.Stupid old stuff
Description: Old news. I really should delete some of this crap
11.Cool video
Description: Cool vid of a no handed wheelie.
12.More old crap
Description: I really should delete some of this, shouldn't I?
13.Why you should get an account
Description: Why you should get a NG account. This is for non users looking into getting an account.
14.Post your tongu twisters here
Description: Speaks for itself, really.
15.NG lied to us!
Description: How NG lied to us about the china thing.
16.MORE old crap!
Description: News about when I went on holiday.
17.Spam this post
Description: Spam to your heart's content here.
18.My hello post
Description: Me saying hello.
Awesome. Enjoy =P
P.s. Trying to embed crap into my post. Here goes...
<img alt="Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic" src="http://www.flashasylum.com/db/fil es/Movies/nobrainerPic.jpg" width=275 height=200 border=0><br />Cyanide & Happiness @ Explosm.net
By the way guys, I found a really cool video of this game<div class="blogmedia">
<!-- Video embed code - don't edit this, or it will break and you'll have this ugly stuff in your blog post! -->
<div id="embed_83781">.</div>
<script type="text/javascript">/* <![CDATA[ */ $('embed_83781').update(new FlashWriter('http://www.youtube.com/v/
8cV_xsNbk1Y&hl=en&fs=1&color1=0xe1600f &color2=0xfebd01&border=1', 464, 369).ToString()); /* ]]> */ </script>
that's on dish: p<a <a
Posted by TurtleKirby101 - September 21st, 2009
on this show we comment on random people's old, unchecked pages with stupid things in the hope of not being noticed!
each comment is another installment of the show, so be sure to check them all out in the right order!
http://rawnern.newgrounds.com/news/pos t/351506
http://betteratbrawl7777.newgrounds.co m/news/post/354610
http://sprite-harvester.newgrounds.com /news/post/295517
http://theflamealchemist.newgrounds.co m/news/post/331184
Caught count: 0
http://artpad.art.com/gallery/?kqc1tem k4ko
Posted by TurtleKirby101 - August 21st, 2009
Right, this is the seventh version of my profile guide because I made a new post I had to make a new guide so here you go.
Right, this is a list of all the crap going on here =P
</div>more stuff
Description:more stuff and news about more stuff and news. It sounds boring but trust me, it isn't. Just comment.
Description: Please fill out my survey here. Plus other random stuff.
-3.Randum eru mesige genuratu
Description: link to this error message generator plus other pointless stuff
-2.My games list
Description: A list of all my video games, although NG messed up the alignment so I'll just scan the peice of paper I originally put them down on.
-1.Phailed minigame post
Description: My attempt at posting a minigame in my post. Learn your lesson from the first commenter and don't insult me on my own userpage.
0.Subscribe to this guy
Description: This guy is the best ever plz subscribe
1.News spreading & code game rules
Description: A post were I spread the latest news and stuff. \If you want some news spread, ask here! Oh and there's the rules for the code game here as well.
2.Blam/protection point geussing comp
Description: Take part in a comp were you geuss how long it will take me to get from 300-400 Blam/save points.
3.Profile hits ideas
Description: Suggest ways of getting more hits to my profile. Don't really need this anymore, I've figured out all your weak spots Mwa hahahahahahaha **cough, cough, violent cough, falls to floor clutching throat**
4.Competition results
Description: View both the latest and oldest results from the Blam/protection point comp.
5.Comment for no reason post
Description: Just comment here for the sake of it =P
6. Share this stuff to get stuff =P
Description: Share this link to earn... um... stuff...
7.Flash ideas
Descriiption: Suggest ideas for flash. Pretty difficult since You don't know what it is.
8.Previous Comp
Description: View who's entered the previous blam/protection point comps. DO NOT post for the latest comp here. Just view the rules.
9.Forum war thingy
Description: Links to the forum war. Since the forum war is off, this is pretty pointless.
10.Stupid old stuff
Description: Old news. I really should delete some of this crap
11.Cool video
Description: Cool vid of a no handed wheelie.
12.More old crap
Description: I really should delete some of this, shouldn't I?
13.Why you should get an account
Description: Why you should get a NG account. This is for non users looking into getting an account.
14.Post your tongu twisters here
Description: Speaks for itself, really.
15.NG lied to us!
Description: How NG lied to us about the china thing.
16.MORE old crap!
Description: News about when I went on holiday.
17.Spam this post
Description: Spam to your heart's content here.
18.My hello post
Description: Me saying hello.
Awesome. Enjoy =P
P.s. Trying to embed crap into my post. Here goes...
<img alt="Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic" src="http://www.flashasylum.com/db/fil es/Movies/nobrainerPic.jpg" width=275 height=200 border=0><br />Cyanide & Happiness @ Explosm.net
By the way guys, I found a really cool video of this game<div class="blogmedia">
<!-- Video embed code - don't edit this, or it will break and you'll have this ugly stuff in your blog post! -->
<div id="embed_83781">.</div>
<script type="text/javascript">/* <![CDATA[ */ $('embed_83781').update(new FlashWriter('http://www.youtube.com/v/
8cV_xsNbk1Y&hl=en&fs=1&color1=0xe1600f &color2=0xfebd01&border=1', 464, 369).ToString()); /* ]]> */ </script>
that's on dish: p
Posted by TurtleKirby101 - August 21st, 2009
I havnt' mayd a post for AGES
ain't it dandy?
no, wait, I mean, um, isn't that marshmallowey?
cartainly is. anyways, check out this I made, it's a prediction of all the things that would happ en if me and all my friends had a game of battlestations: midway. here is the link. Ain't links dan... um marshmellowey? Anyway, click on me and the magic of links will take you to the page with the stuff on that turtleKirby put that it would take you to.
No offence to uzzan, of course. Sorry uzzan! I just thought it would be funny to make a slideshow of all your units geting blown up in midway. And to test out the print screen button on my keyboard. But don't you pull funny faces at him, xellon! I've got plenty more ideas for slideshows like that! And YOU could be next!
So yeah, be careful what you say around here.
On other news, I've recently got back from holiday! I went to scotland for 4 days! and that's not actually that far away from me, since I live in the UK.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand that's about it.
Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooo.................................
........................... Why hasn't anyone been PMing me lately? Life is boring without PMs! So can I ask everyone send me 5 PMs? Good. Thanks people!
and lets see... I've got to put all my news in one post or I'll have to keep editing the guide again... lets see, ah yes! I'm going on holiday again next wednesday, don't quite know how long but Not very long.
What else??????????????????????????????????
??????????//////////// well, I'm getting battlestations: pacific soon, so I'll see you guys online on that if any of you have the game.
and I think that's about it! Well, I'd better go edit the guide again. Seeya on xellon's page, but remember I can't see you because I can only see the first 500 comments for some reason.
Posted by TurtleKirby101 - June 24th, 2009
Right, this is the sixth version of my profile guide because I made a new post I had to make a new guide so here you go.
Right, this is a list of all the crap going on here =P
Description: Please fill out my survey here. Plus other random stuff.
AHEM, If you're going to join the comp, hurry up, I'll have 300 blam/protection points soon!!
-3.Randum eru mesige genuratu
Description: link to this error message generator plus other pointless stuff
-2.My games list
Description: A list of all my video games, although NG messed up the alignment so I'll just scan the peice of paper I originally put them down on.
-1.Phailed minigame post
Description: My attempt at posting a minigame in my post. Learn your lesson from the first commenter and don't insult me on my own userpage.
0.Subscribe to this guy
Description: This guy is the best ever plz subscribe
1.News spreading & code game rules
Description: A post were I spread the latest news and stuff. \If you want some news spread, ask here! Oh and there's the rules for the code game here as well.
2.Blam/protection point geussing comp
Description: Take part in a comp were you geuss how long it will take me to get from 300-400 Blam/save points.
3.Profile hits ideas
Description: Suggest ways of getting more hits to my profile. Don't really need this anymore, I've figured out all your weak spots Mwa hahahahahahaha **cough, cough, violent cough, falls to floor clutching throat**
4.Competition results
Description: View both the latest and oldest results from the Blam/protection point comp.
5.Comment for no reason post
Description: Just comment here for the sake of it =P
6. Share this stuff to get stuff =P
Description: Share this link to earn... um... stuff...
7.Flash ideas
Descriiption: Suggest ideas for flash. Pretty difficult since You don't know what it is.
8.Previous Comp
Description: View who's entered the previous blam/protection point comps. DO NOT post for the latest comp here. Just view the rules.
9.Forum war thingy
Description: Links to the forum war. Since the forum war is off, this is pretty pointless.
10.Stupid old stuff
Description: Old news. I really should delete some of this crap
11.Cool video
Description: Cool vid of a no handed wheelie.
12.More old crap
Description: I really should delete some of this, shouldn't I?
13.Why you should get an account
Description: Why you should get a NG account. This is for non users looking into getting an account.
14.Post your tongu twisters here
Description: Speaks for itself, really.
15.NG lied to us!
Description: How NG lied to us about the china thing.
16.MORE old crap!
Description: News about when I went on holiday.
17.Spam this post
Description: Spam to your heart's content here.
18.My hello post
Description: Me saying hello.
Awesome. Enjoy =P
P.s. Trying to embed crap into my post. Here goes...
<img alt="Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic" src="http://www.flashasylum.com/db/fil es/Movies/nobrainerPic.jpg" width=275 height=200 border=0><br />Cyanide & Happiness @ Explosm.net
By the way guys, I found a really cool video of this game
/* */
Posted by TurtleKirby101 - June 24th, 2009
yay i created a survey on survay monkey
and by the way guys,... um... I like cheese.
And uzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzan says that putting x-clumashun marks @ the end of da sentunce dusn't maik it any lawdu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by TurtleKirby101 - June 17th, 2009
Right, this is the fifth version of my profile guide because I made a new post I had to make a new guide so here you go.
Right, this is a list of all the crap going on here =P
Randum eru mesige genuratu
Description: link to this error message generator plus other pointless stuff
AHEM, If you're going to join the comp, hurry up, I'll have 300 blam/protection points soon!!
-2.My games list
Description: A list of all my video games, although NG messed up the alignment so I'll just scan the peice of paper I originally put them down on.
-1.Phailed minigame post
Description: My attempt at posting a minigame in my post. Learn your lesson from the first commenter and don't insult me on my own userpage.
0.Subscribe to this guy
Description: This guy is the best ever plz subscribe
1.News spreading & code game rules
Description: A post were I spread the latest news and stuff. \If you want some news spread, ask here! Oh and there's the rules for the code game here as well.
2.Blam/protection point geussing comp
Description: Take part in a comp were you geuss how long it will take me to get from 300-400 Blam/save points.
3.Profile hits ideas
Description: Suggest ways of getting more hits to my profile. Don't really need this anymore, I've figured out all your weak spots Mwa hahahahahahaha **cough, cough, violent cough, falls to floor clutching throat**
4.Competition results
Description: View both the latest and oldest results from the Blam/protection point comp.
5.Comment for no reason post
Description: Just comment here for the sake of it =P
6. Share this stuff to get stuff =P
Description: Share this link to earn... um... stuff...
7.Flash ideas
Descriiption: Suggest ideas for flash. Pretty difficult since You don't know what it is.
8.Previous Comp
Description: View who's entered the previous blam/protection point comps. DO NOT post for the latest comp here. Just view the rules.
9.Forum war thingy
Description: Links to the forum war. Since the forum war is off, this is pretty pointless.
10.Stupid old stuff
Description: Old news. I really should delete some of this crap
11.Cool video
Description: Cool vid of a no handed wheelie.
12.More old crap
Description: I really should delete some of this, shouldn't I?
13.Why you should get an account
Description: Why you should get a NG account. This is for non users looking into getting an account.
14.Post your tongu twisters here
Description: Speaks for itself, really.
15.NG lied to us!
Description: How NG lied to us about the china thing.
16.MORE old crap!
Description: News about when I went on holiday.
17.Spam this post
Description: Spam to your heart's content here.
18.My hello post
Description: Me saying hello.
Awesome. Enjoy =P
P.s. Trying to embed crap into my post. Here goes...
<img alt="Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic" src="http://www.flashasylum.com/db/fil es/Movies/nobrainerPic.jpg" width=275 height=200 border=0><br />Cyanide & Happiness @ Explosm.net
By the way guys, I found a really cool video of this game
/* */