That's awesome, keep it up phuleeze :D
That's awesome, keep it up phuleeze :D
Awesome I really liked it
well drawn well animated etc
I look forward to seeing the next one!
Well, it was quite funny, It was well drawn, and entertaining. I was hoping that killing the fat kid at the end could have been a bit more like... sort of.... Well I don't know how to put it but give the player options of how to kill him, like beat him up, stab him, etc. But still a great flash.
loled guts out AGAIN
This just gets funnier and funnier, nice work!
I loled my guts out again
still epic lulz he is so stupid it's hillarious
I think I loled my guts out
Awesome man that was EPIC LULZ
Well the animation was ok but the sprites were much too pixelated, even if they were meant to look a bit like that. Also the music wasn't that good, and there was text instead of voice acting. Next time make the sprites less pixalated, get some better music, and replace the text with some voice acting.
Seriously, man....
Voice acting was terrible, plot was terrible, length was terrible, It wasn't funny in the slightist... Improve the voice acting, length and plot, and put some decent humor into it. Then it will be good. Very good.
great that'll come in handy when I mke some flash
I got 105 on the minigame
I'm a normal person who likes turtles and Kirby. I'll add more stuff here whenever I want to say something new.
Age 27, Male
envelope licker
£££(where they come from)
Joined on 3/28/09